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See also: France, Caen, Brittany.
Ville de Domfront
Cast ironwork by the Etablissements Truffaut is widely found in Normandy, the foundry's striking spider's web and pointed star designs enlivening the pavements. The site of the former Fonderie Truffert at Equeurdreville near Cherbourg was demolished in 2006/7.
Ets Truffert, Equeurdreville, seen at Caen
The Fonderie Sonofoque (Flers, Orne), which specialised in metalwork for highways was put into judicial liquidation by the Tribunal de Commerce of Condé-sur-Noireau (Orne) in July 2003. The 49 remaining employees were laid off a little later after a further 90 had been dismissed the previous winter. The firm had been in existence for more than a century. The firm also had premises at Roubaix (50 employees) and Servon-sur-Vilaine (30 employees). The factory at Flers was finally closed in 2005 by the Direction Régionale de l’Environnement because of its antiquated condition.
Queruel-Lorfeuvre, Fondeur, Flers, Orne. Seen in Caen
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See also: France, Caen, Brittany.